Case Studies
See how we’ve helped facilities achieve permit compliance and optimize their nutrient removal process.
Molasses to MicroC: PA Coal-Fired Power Generation Station Meets Nitrate & Selenium Reduction Goals with MicroC® 4100
A Pennsylvania coal-fired power generation station switches from molasses carbon sources to EOSi’s carbohydrate-based MicroC® 4100 to remove up to 80% selenium across their wastewater treatment system — and achieve complete denitrification from their final effluent.
Methanol to MicroC: Washington WWTP Reduces Cost & Risk with Non-hazardous EOSi MicroC® 2000
When a Washington wastewater treatment and reclamation plant using methanol year-round as a supplemental carbon source evaluated safer non-flammable and non-toxic alternatives to maintain adequate denitrification, they discovered more pounds of NOx were removed per gallon of MicroC®2000 used compared to using methanol — even with influent NOx loading measuring twice as high when treated with MicroC 2000.
EOSi’s Nitrack® Carbon Source Automation Make Florida County WWTPs Low-Nitrogen Compliant
Two Florida county municipal wastewater processing facilities achieve an ultra-low nitrogen effluent limit of 3mg./L — even with high variability in NOx loading — and lower overall chemical costs using EOSi’s automated Nitrack® Program controller dosing MicroC® 2000 carbon sources.
FL WWTP Meets Future Permit using EOSi’S Nitrack® Carbon Source Automation
A Florida municipal wastewater treatment facility becomes “future-ready” for meeting more stringent nitrogen permit requirements — and avoids a full plant upgrade — after implementing EOSi’s Nitrack® automated monitoring and dosing control feed system delivering MicroC® 2000 carbon sources.
MicroC® Supports Biomass During Startup, Shutdown and Variable Loadings
EOSi assists municipal and industrial wastewater treatment facilities to supplement and maintain biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) loadings to quickly achieve treatment effectiveness and regulatory compliance.
Enhanced Safety & BNR: FL WWTP Migrates from Methanol to Non-Hazardous MicroC® 2000
A Florida municipal wastewater treatment facility using an aging methanol system for biological nitrogen removal switches to non-hazardous MicroC® 2000 carbon sources, avoiding an expensive methanol-system upgrade, maintaining regulatory compliance — and eliminating the need for chemical treatment of phosphorus.