Midwest WWTP Overloaded by Industrial Influent Rescued from Permit Probation by EOSi’s MicroC® 2000

When a small midwestern municipal WWTP overwhelmed by local pork-processing industrial inflow suffered regulatory probation and hefty fines from numerous pH and ammonia discharge violations, EOSi’s MicroC® 2000 carbon sources helped them enhance biomass growth, boost denitrification — and avoid the potential loss of their operating permit.

A small midwestern USA municipality owning and operating a 1.5 MGD wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was treating both municipal and industrial wastewater, including substantial inflow from a local pork-processing facility. The municipality’s WWTP uses oxidation-ditch technology — circular or oval-shaped aeration-activated sludge basins — to achieve biochemical/biological oxygen demand(BOD) removal, nitrification, and denitrification.