Case Studies
See how we’ve helped facilities achieve permit compliance and optimize their nutrient removal process.
Midwest Reclamation EBPR Evaluation: Assessing MicroC® 2000 For Ample Phosphorus Reduction
A midwestern-U.S. water reclamation facility unable to significantly reduce phosphorus with their upgraded activated-sludge process engaged EOSi’s MicroC® evaluation & application support (MEAS) services to test and evaluate whether adding MicroC 2000 carbon sources could boost phosphorus removal performance and achieve permit compliance — without requiring expensive plant upgrades.
Acetic Acid to MicroC® 2000: Virginia WWTP Boosts Savings & EBPR Performance
A Virginia municipal WWTP using VFA (volatile fatty acid) acetic acid as a carbon source for enhanced biological phosphorus removal discovers EOSi’s lower-cost/higher-performing MicroC® 2000 delivers a substantial feed rate reduction and an approximate 30% cost savings.
Midwest WWTP Overloaded by Industrial Influent Rescued from Permit Probation by EOSi’s MicroC® 2000
When a small midwestern municipal WWTP overwhelmed by local pork-processing industrial inflow suffered regulatory probation and hefty fines from numerous pH and ammonia discharge violations, EOSi’s MicroC® 2000 carbon sources helped them enhance biomass growth, boost denitrification — and avoid the potential loss of their operating permit.
NC Reclamation Facility Boosts Denitrification & Compliance While Reducing MicroC® 2000 Cost
A North Carolina water reclamation facility engages EOSi’s MicroC® process assessment and optimization services and achieves reduced energy consumption, reduced carbon dosing rate, and high denitrification efficiency for consistent permit compliance.